Skallbjörnens Bella Godiva


SE VV2018


Skallbjörnens Bella Godiva is born 20100810, HD B/ ED 0, has done MH and MT. Korad with excelent result of 509 points and approved exterior by Bo Wiberg.

Bella has been shown with plenty of super results:

20140222: Sundsvall Nationall, Bo Wiberg, Openclass females, Excelent V3

20140302: Karlskoga, Rottweiler Klubbens årsmötesutställning, Frank Hedtke, openclass females V1, Excellent, CK, Best female V2

20140413: Sundsvall Nationall, Hans almgren, openclass female V2, excellent

20140420: Kista Internationall, Janet Lobb, openclass females V1, excellent, CK, BOS

20140426: Västerås Nationall, Kenneth Edh, openclass females V1, excellent, CK, BIR

20140628: Södertälje, SSU(Swedish Winner), ?, openclass females V4, excellent

20140629: Södertälje, Scandinavian Klubbsieger, Jurgen Wulff, openclass females, V2, excellent, CK

20140705: Örebro BK, Yvonne Brink, openclass females V1, excellent, CK, BOS

 20140719: Askersund Internationall, Morten Nielsen, Openclass females V3, excellent

20140824: ADRK klubbsiegher, Rudiger Schmidt, Openclass females, V11, excellent 

20140921: Skutskär, Rottweiler special show, Openclass females, Excellent, judge Bo Skalin

20150403: Kista Intenationall, Ralf Camden Norway, V1 openclass females, Excellent with CK, V2 best female reserv CACIB.

 20150514: Nora BK, V1 openclass females, Excellent with CK, Best female, BIM/BOS.

20150531: Österbybruk Int dogshow, V1 openclass females , excellent, CK, V2 best female.

20150627: SSU, Södert-lje BK, Judpge Anton Spindler, V5 openclass females, excellent

20150628: Sommarspecialen, Södertälje, Judge P-D Viehoff, V5 openclass females, excellent

20170702: BSE judge Yvonne Brink 

20180901: Höstspecialen Högbo, Kristiina Niemelä, V1 CK BIM Veteran 

20181208: Stockholm International dog show, V1 CK BIM Veteran Swedish Veteran Winner

201901: My Dog 1 & My Dog 2: E1 Veteranklass tikar BIR VETERAN CK MY DoG 1.

201903 Årsmötesutställningen AfR VG2a veteranklass tikar 

201905 Gimo Nat utst E1 veteranklasstikar 

20190606 Roslagens BK Nationaldags Utställningen 1a Veteranklass tikar BIR Veteran och BIS veteran 2a 

20190629 domare Dr Pr Peter Friedrich  SSU V1 Veteranklass tikar Veteranvinnare 2019

20190630 AfR sommar specialen domare Anton Spindler E2 ck veteranklass tikar 

20190630 Startklass lydnad 155.5p gk 5e plats ras mästerskapet.

Bella is a multitasking dog who has been tracking, searching doing obediance, rally obediance, agillity and Swedish protection. She has a lot of drive and loves to work. A strong middle sizzed female, with excellent angulation, nice movements and a feminin head. Bella is our female on wich our breeding is based on. She is the mother to 4 litters. She is our queen <3